The Submarine Model
for Organizational Systems Thinking
(c) 2023 by Denis SunnyThe Submarine Model is based on the Iceberg Model of Systems Thinking
tailored for the context or Organizational Systems.
Another key concept is that each higher level of the model is influenced by the level directly below it. This means that in cause-effect relationships, the cause is always found at the model's lower level, with the effect manifesting at the level above.
The Submarine Model of Organizational Systems Thinking is based on a unified approach to this kind of mapping. It was rigorously tested in real-world scenarios and against the proven laws of organizational behaviors, including the following:
The creation of the aforementioned patterns is strongly impacted by what is called "structures" in the Iceberg Model. In the context of Organizational Systems Thinking, we are speaking about the entire Organizational Design playing the role of such "structures". To learn more about what stands behind it, refer to the Goal-Centric Model introduced later in this document.
Someone is always authorized to decide about organizational design - one or many people, the same as those doing actual work or completely different ones. And this kind of decision is always driven by something. For instance, one of the most common Drivers of Organizational Design is the level of satisfaction of the decision-makers with the current situation.
There are three frames based on this Model for your different use cases.
All the frames are available for printing or digital use on Miro and Mural.
Submarine Model © 2023 by Denis Sunny
is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0